Object Tattoo Process!

1.) Sketch a plan for this assignment a.) what will your object be? (remember to avoid compound curves as surfaces for vinyls) b.) how will your vinyl traverse the surface of the object? c.) how might you adjust/tweak your design to speak to the objects form, function or concept? 2.) Scan or photograph this sketch and post it to your process blog. **parts of this plan could also be mocked up in rhino if you wish** 3.) Try to incorporate some of the 2D processes from class into your revised design (i.e. arrays, polylines, curves, ellipses and polygons! - also, compound shapes created by intersecting and trimming!) 4.) Include a response to feedback from peers and the instructor 1. a) The object that I will put the vinyl sticker on will be a wall in the graffiti stairwell. I went scoping out some potential places and was really interested in these walls below: This is the 4th fl...